Explorers are the fourth section of the Scouting movement. Right from the time of Baden-Powell, there have been arrangements for young people who wanted to continue after their time in the Scout Section, and in 1967, Venture Scouts were formed from the existing Senior Scout and Rover Scout Sections. This arrangement lasted until the late 1990s. Now there are two sections for the over-14s: Explorer Scouts for 14 to 18-year-olds, and the Scout Network for 18 to 25s.
Explorer Scout Units are run by the district, and usually cover a larger area than any Scout Group. Explorer Scouts wear a beige shirt or blouse with a Unit scarf, and navy blue activity trousers or skirt with a Scout belt.
The Castlegrove Explorer Unit meets in Goring at Storton Lodge, and operates in partnership with 1st Goring-on-Thames.