We provide fun, challenge and adventure to
girls and boys in Goring-on-Thames
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Beavers - 1st Goring-on-Thames

Beaver Scouts are our youngest members. They meet weekly to take part in a wide range of activities including games, crafts, singing, visits and good turns, along with plenty of outdoor activities. Beavers work toward earning various Activity and Challenge Badges, leading on to a Chief Scout Bronze Award.

A group of Beaver Scouts is called a Colony, and each Colony is split up into smaller groups called Lodges.

Our Beaver Scouts wear a turquoise sweatshirt with a yellow Group scarf (often called a necker) which is held in place by a woggle. Positioning of the badges is shown below.

Beavers drumming
The beavers just had a drumming session.
Imagine a LOT OF NOISE and a LOT OF FUN.
Beaver Badges
Position of badges on a beaver sweatshirt.